Talk…at Christmastime and Always!
By Tony Tench The people of Israel were given wise counsel through the giving of the law in Deuteronomy to be sure to “talk about” the words and ways and commandments of God with their children all throughout the day. When they got up in the morning, when they walked through the day and when […]
Advent: ‘Twas much, ‘Tis more
By Tony Tench John Donne was an early 17th century priest in the Anglican church who exhibited such insightful skill through his poetry. I am always impressed by the way his turn of phrase makes me think more deeply into the meaning of spiritual life. With the season of Advent approaching this week, I am […]
Come to the Light, Jesus!
by Tony Tench I look forward to worship on Christmas Eve! For all of the fun and excitement that comes with the shopping and games and gift giving and joyful reunions and celebrations, it is not until I get to worship on Christmas Eve that I know I have been face to face with the […]
My Christmas Wish List has grown into a JUNGLE!
By Sara Greene Mark and I have a tradition at Christmas that started in the gym at First Baptist a few years back. The World Craft Fair sets up in the gym one Wednesday night in November each year. That first year there were some things that I really liked, but I have a hard time […]
J.O.Y. to Your World!
By Dr. Sophia Steibel Joy is a word we hear a lot during the Advent season. Joy is associated with the story and spirit of Christmas. We often anticipate this time of the year with great expectations. For me this word took on a new meaning about six years ago when I joined a group […]
God’s light shown through unexpected friendships
by Tisha Dedmon (A look inside the history of #NYCTreeGirls) It all began four years ago. Both of our sons played bass in the Shelby Middle School orchestra. The opportunity arose that I would introduce myself to Carol Ann Hoard. We had many of the same friends but had never actually met before. We hit […]
Merry Stinkin’ Christmas!
By Tara Beth Warrick In my former life, I was a Type A individual. Always on time. Always prepared. If I was not as talented as my competition, I could certainly out work them. In some ways, this drive was very helpful as it got me into college. In other ways, it led me to […]