Loving God
& Loving Our Neighbors

From the Foothills to the Ends of the Earth


Loving God. Loving Others.

We are a multigenerational church, called to love God and love our neighbors. We hope to create a Christ-centered community of all ages where everyone feels loved and valued. Each week, we come together to worship, connect, and grow in our faith and relationships. If you’re searching for a place to call home, we’d love to welcome you!

Join Us This Sunday!

9:30 AM in the Sanctuary | 10:45 AM Sunday School for all ages

Current Sermon Series

A Season in the Psalms

As we begin the season of Lent, we return to its core - the full recognition of our need for God‘s forgiveness. Psalm 51 is David’s heartfelt cry for mercy, a plea that resonates within us all: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
Sin weighs us down, distorting our relationship with God, our self-perception, and how we see others. But through repentance, we step into the clarity and freedom that Jesus offers.

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