ur FBC Faith and Health Ministry Team would like for our church family to be aware of the signs and concerns about depression. It is real and it has an impact on the lives of our friends and neighbors as well as family members and even ourselves! Sometimes depression is on us before we know it. Remember how God’s prophet, Elijah, had been part of God’s victory over Baal on Mt. Carmel in 1 Kings 18? It was a day of celebrating God’s power. But, do you also remember what happened next for Elijah? He was so depressed he said, “I have had enough, Lord…Take my life”(1 Kings 19:4). Even faith-filled people have to face depression. So, be ever-prayerful as you bring your feelings and struggles to the Lord — he hears and he strengthens beyond your expectation. And, be aware of dynamics related to depression by reading this information offered by physicians in our community, https://www.aafp.org/afp/2002/0915/p1045.html