Senior Adult Ministries
It has been said that the three plagues of older adults are loneliness, helplessness and boredom. We seek to provide multiple ways for our senior adult population to be involved and active through church activities, social events and traveling experiences.
Serving the Lord Together
We are never too old to serve the Lord. Mission activities include Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox ministry, “We Care” packages for our college students as well as reading buddy, lunch buddy and tutoring programs in our elementary and middle schools.
Activities include monthly day trips, inspirational events such as the Collingsworth Family Christmas concert at the Cove, an annual picnic and some week-long trips once or twice a year.
Our senior adults volunteer their assistance answering the telephone and greeting visitors to our church office and serve as volunteers in community ministries and organizations such as the Neal Senior Center. We also have volunteers in our Extension Ministry, a monthly contact visit to those of our church family who are shut-in.
Adult Ministries and Missions
Encouraging everyone to know and follow Jesus Christ in their daily lives through prayer, Bible study and serving others is important at First Baptist Church. A variety of Sunday and weekday Bible study classes are available for both men and women.
Joint missions include a ministry to those incarcerated in our local prisons, outreach to the homeless and to those in both the local men’s and women’s shelters, feeding the hungry each week and other local ministries.