“Need to Know” about Treasures
By Tony Tench The church where our daughter and her family serve the Lord have a phrase they use each week in the children’s classes. They point the kids to the day’s “need to know” — it’s the focal point of the daily lesson from the Bible. So, over these few years we have often […]
Reduce, Reuse, Repent: Loving God’s Creation this Earth Day
By Missy Smith “MOM!!!” my three year old daughter stated in a reprimanding voice, “You CANNOT throw that paper in the trash!!!” I took a deep breath, as I turned around trying to decide just how I wanted to respond to the attitude that my three year old daughter exhibited all of a sudden. “Bella,” […]
CPR — Missional Lifeline for the Kingdom of God
By Eduardo Steibel I am a “CPR”. Yes, I am a “Cooperative Program Recipient.” Born in Brazil of Latvian and German descent, I was blessed since my early days by the generosity of thousands of small churches that came together to send missionaries and carry the work of the kingdom of God all over the […]