August 28, 2017
Welcome to a terrific journey of seeking God together through devotional readings, meditation, and prayers. Beginning today, you will be receiving daily devotionals written by representatives of the following Sunday School Departments: Preschoolers, Children Youth, College, and Adults. May each inspire and help prepare us for the Lay Led Revival on September 22-24. Enjoy your […]
High Hopes, 92 Years and Counting!
By J.A. West I was born and reared in Wilmington, NC, but when I was 18 years old, the US Navy changed all of that. I was about to be drafted into the army, but I chose to join the Navy instead. The Navy took us 19-year-olds and spent a year training us and hoping […]
Black Swan Event — Have You Had One?
By John Crosland I am currently reading a book titled The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb. Mr. Taleb was previously a “quant,” an individual who created algorithms for high speed trading for investment banks on Wall Street. His real interests and strengths were in ascertaining the risks that were unforeseen. (This is not unlike being […]
Yes, Jesus Knows Me!
By Lauren Wortman I must admit, I used to think of Jesus as an alien. Come on, Jesus does some weird things. Like that time he killed the fig tree to make a point about having faith, or when he cried at the death of a friend only to turn around and bring him back […]
Hovering Above 2017
Holy Spirit With your wind, stir my soul With your words, order my day With your wings, gather me in And I will be grateful I will be glad Amen — Jack Levison, 40 Days with the Holy Spirit As the New Year 2017 is about to dawn, I […]
J.O.Y. to Your World!
By Dr. Sophia Steibel Joy is a word we hear a lot during the Advent season. Joy is associated with the story and spirit of Christmas. We often anticipate this time of the year with great expectations. For me this word took on a new meaning about six years ago when I joined a group […]