by Tony Tench
I look forward to worship on Christmas Eve!
For all of the fun and excitement that comes with the shopping and games and gift giving and joyful reunions and celebrations, it is not until I get to worship on Christmas Eve that I know I have been face to face with the the “why” of it all. At the heart of the joyful family traditions and the thrill of opening gifts around the tree is the assurance that we are the recipients of the greatest of all gifts when Jesus is born.
Beginning with preludes from piano, organ, orchestra and hand bells leading into the processional of the worshipers into the presence of the newborn king, we will gather together this Saturday evening to bring our focus upon the birth of the Light of the World. And, you are invited, one and all, to join in the celebration of Communion and Candlelight here at First Baptist Church.
Preludes begin at 5:30 PM and the Processional will enter at 6:00 PM.
Let us Come to the Light, Jesus!
Truly, the “dawn of redeeming grace!”
Praise the Lord!