For Such a Time as This

Day 17– September 7, 2018

By Jim McSwain

In Esther 4:14, Mordecai, the cousin of Esther, tells her that as Queen to King Ahasuerus she has an opportunity to provide deliverance to the Jewish nation from destruction and annihilation.  Mordecai plants the idea and challenges her to consider that, perhaps, she has been brought by God to this role and this moment for just such a time as this.

As I look at my personal spiritual journey and the journey of our church today, Mordecai’s words strike a chord with me.  Today, in our time, we are experiencing great challenges in our personal lives, our society, and the church.  As the song says:  “the times, they are a-changin.”

As a member of First Baptist,  I believe 2 important questions to consider are:

As we seek new worship and pastoral leadership, what do we really want our church to be and represent to others?  In these changing and challenging times what can each of us do in terms of our own ministry and responsibility as God’s servants to work together in following His will and seeing that “His kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven?”

May each of us sincerely and prayerfully think about how we are going to answer these questions as we move forward.  May God continue to bless and guide us as we journey together!