Bring Your Puzzle Piece

Day 2 — August 23, 2018

by Tammy Bass

When I think of spiritual gifts, I think of a jigsaw puzzle. When every piece is on the table and hooked with other pieces in just the right spot, it makes one single beautiful picture! I think the Body of Christ is the same way.

When each of us bring our gift(s) to the table and connects to the other pieces just where our piece fits, we make a beautiful single picture – a picture of Christ.

I experienced this in a prayer group I was in years ago. Four women met every other week to pray together. Each one tended to pray out of her gifting. One was a prophet, one was an exhorter, one had the gift of mercy, and one was a teacher. As we prayed for ourselves, our families, our churches, and our community each woman prayed about different aspects of the need or concern. When all the parts joined together it was beautiful!

God used this time in my life to teach me so much about prayer but also about spiritual gifts.  When each of us willingly brought our gift and connected with the gifting of others, it was powerful and effective!

And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly…”   Romans 12:6