By Tony Tench

Last week Janet and I went to a marriage conference at Erin’s and Matt’s church. We decided to get a room on Friday so we didn’t have to drive the whole way on Saturday. We had a very small window to see the grandchildren as we were to care for them while Erin and Matt ran an errand before heading to next things.  We pulled up just in time to take them by the hand and head up to our room and let them rest.

Sweet boy!

Side note:. This part of the story HAS TO BE PART OF WHAT GOD FEELS when we come to him in worship each week!  Erin didn’t tell Mattie and Jase that they were about to see us and, when they came around the car and laid eyes on us, the experience was worth it all. Mattie yelled, “Mimommy” and came running to wrap her hands around Janet’s legs. Jase, in his Daddy’s arms, was just clapping as hard as he could clap and leaned into my arms! The feeling in our hearts at seeing their reaction has be part of God’s joy at seeing us lift our hearts in worship each week.

Now, back to the sweet story!  While we were resting in the room – Jase asleep on my lap and Mattie lying on the bed talking with Janet –  Janet said to Mattie, “In a bit, Grandaddy will go to the car and bring in the bag of Happys we brought.”  Well, Mattie was naturally excited. Janet told her, “Now most of the Happys in the bag are ‘clothes-happys’ but there is something in there for you to play with too.” That sweet little 5-year-old blessed our hearts with her reply.  She said, “Oh, I love the ‘clothes-happys’ too because if you didn’t bring them I wouldn’t have something to wear!”

How funny the way she can quickly find a “thankful place.”

Perhaps on this Sunday afternoon, with all the news we are hearing which causes us to worry and fret, we should all intentionally go to a “thankful place” and sit there for a while – turning off the news and enjoying the silence.  Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.  His love endures forever! Sitting in a “thankful place” may fit us well for the days ahead.